Sophia believes that once Trauma is healed and resolved, the essential and authentic self must be reflected in 360 degrees-everywhere, everything and everyone in your life must be an accurate reflection of your deep truth-that you are valuable, lovable and worthy and this is simply so. Your Hero's Journey to this truth has changed you in form and character and what was previously thought to be identity no longer holds and must be superceeded by something new and true. This means that all previous measurements and markers have no bearing here and can no longer be used to gage identity, value or worth. Your clothes, environment, work and people in your life must reflect your core truth and often a deep dive into up-leveling all of the externals in your life is necessary to embrace full Self Actualization, freedom and joy. To explore more fully what this is and how Sophia helps people create 'The Wraparound Reflection' necessary for Trauma resolution and full self actualization in this work, Please call for an appointment to explore further.
Sophia has been consulting and coaching business leaders for over 15 years on personal development, team building and professional advancement from her unique humanistic and spiritual perspective.
If you are interested in exploring this with Sophia, please call 415-686-9749 to set up and appointment.