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Sophia understands Trauma from a unique and spiritual perspective. She has developed a therapeutic process that unwinds her clients from the Trauma matrix that previously and unconsciously defined and limited identity. As part of her therapeutic modality, Sophia provides ongoing psychoeducation to each client as she works with them to identify the wounds of early childhood and guide them into understanding how these wounds or early Traumas continue, often unconsciously, to iterate through and define adult experience. Life then, becomes Trauma driven and Trauma defined, where people are reacting from their wounds as co-dependent as opposed to responding from their truth, in their sufficiency. Mostly we do not have the conscious awareness of how or why or even that this is so and we end up living an identity that is false or constructed as a way to defend against unresolved childhood betrayals, abandonment's, broken trust and attachment wounding.

Sophia's lives a life of service and her capacity as a healer, medicine woman, teacher and psychotherapist is to help each client to discover their core essence so it may unfold, express and blossom as this is where true potential becomes fully actualized.

When one is healed, whole, integrated and congruently aligned with one's core truth, the result is freedom and joy and the knowledge that your essential and authentic self is valuable, lovable and worthy and this is simply so.

Working with Sophia becomes your Hero's Journey into and through all of it, the traumas, wounds, stories and beliefs that the ego clings to as identity for lack of understanding that on a cellular level of quantum consciousness who you thought you were is a mere fractal of who you actually are--radiant, splendid and perfect-a reflection of Source consciousness itself. This discovery will changed you in form and character as Sophia offers actual Transformation on a cellular level, where old neural patterns re-groove into new, more accurate beliefs, old stories release and the somatic events held in the biology/bioenergetic field of the Traumatized individual resolve, allowing for a higher vibrational frequency in all areas of life and what was previously thought to be true, due to unhealed Trauma, is no longer accurate.

This means that all previous measurements and markers have no bearing here and can no longer be used to gage identity, value or worth. Your clothes, environment, work and people in your life must reflect your core truth and often a deep dive into upleveling all of the externals in your life is necessary to embrace full Self Actualization.

To explore more fully what this is and how Sophia can continue to offer healing and transformation, Please call for an appointment to explore further.


Individual Psychotherapy

To accomplish this, Sophia focuses on early childhood development; yrs O-5, Object relations theory, attachment wounding, somatic experiencing and expanding the client's internal bandwidth to tolerate uncomfortable feelings that are connected to negative beliefs about oneself.

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Couples Counseling

Sophia sees that couples often meet at the very edge of their defended selves-defined by previous hurts/wounds/unresolved Traumas and limiting beliefs-afraid to be hurt once again and often unconsciously believing that to fully surrender into love is actually unsafe and could represent on some level, a threat to the core self.

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Trauma Therapy

Working under her over arch of Trauma/Story/Belief-Sophia is able to unwind each client from their Trauma or wound matrix, allowing them to groove new neural pathways that result in a change of feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. 

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Sophia provides individual business coaching from her unique holistic and spiritual perspective- providing a way to understand blocks to success and problem solving in the field with superiors in a non linear fashion.

Where straightforward "leadership" workshops have failed to provide a Transpersonal understanding of the 'problems', Sophia uses her medicine experiences and shamanic understanding of the energy activated between authority/subordinate positions when early unconscious wounds become activated in the business matrix.

This opens up new possibilities of relational interaction as one's perspective is able to shift -changing thoughts, feelings and beliefs in order to provide an authentic collaboration of win/win as opposed to ending in a winner/looser stand off.

To connect with Sophia, for more information about her work or to book her as a speaker, workshop provider or to dive more deeply with Sophia into personalized healing circles, rituals, rites of passage and ceremonies such as marriage or commitment

Please call 415-686-9749 and leave a message

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My Practice

Sophia works with a variety of psychological treatment modalities best suited to each individual client and holds as a core part of her practice the importance of educating her clients about the wounds or Traumas that can occur in early childhood and most often remain unconscious, driving adult behavior without the individual knowing or understanding how or why this is so.

Sophia sees early wounding as primarily relational Trauma that continues to express throughout a lifetime in all relationships if not healed. This can include but is not limited to early Attachment wounding, feelings of lack around Trust and Safety, beliefs around Guilt and Shame, and the childhood experience or fear of Abandonment and Betrayal. How we experienced our childhood has everything to do with how we experience our adulthood. The connection between our nervous system -what we feel and what we think or believe, defines our unconscious patterns of response to others and the world around us.

Understanding how the integrated human system functions as a cohesive whole of body, mind and spirit- either in congruent alignment or in fragmented bits and pieces that need attention and healing, has led Sophia to work with various healers and Shamans from different parts of the world. She has used their healing wisdom to compliment her holistic and quantum concept of source consciousness that informs each and every one of us as beings of light.

It is this understanding that guides Sophia in her work as a healer, and has led her to be a world traveler since her teens-curious about the depth and variety of healing options available to shift cellular consciousness and transform and heal Trauma.

Sophia has travelled the world, living with and learning from indigenous healers and teachers in Africa, India and Asia and she most recently travelled through Peru to work with various plant medicines and Shamanic healers throughout the country.


Sophia understands that our deepest truth and authentic essence is to know without question that we are valuable, lovable and worthy, entitled to a life lived in fullness and joy.

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Self Actualization

You are invited to embark upon your Hero's Journey of self discovery with Sophia in order to reclaim and connect to your deepest truth- beyond language and learning into the very heart and essence of you-healed, whole, integrated, joyous and free.